Find your business “thing” + set the world alight with your heart 💜

It can be one of the most frustrating feelings in the world to know in the bottom of your gut that you’re meant to make an impact on the world — that you have a bigger MISSION dying to come out deep inside — but have no idea how, what, or where to start.

In this masterclass, learn how to start & build a mission-driven business from your heart step-by-step.

💜 Applying our signature Business Focus Clarity Framework, you’ll learn Adina’s top strategies to get crystal clear on your personal purpose and how to build a heart-centered business based around it.

💜 You will also learn the core business training foundations of a successful heart-centered business so that you can set your business up for profit AND impact from the start.

💜 MISSION includes:

  • Video lessons guiding you through clarifying your MISSION and how it can shine through in your business

  • Access to a Community Chat space to share insights and “aha!” moments with other heart-centered entrepreneurs

Get clear on what kind of business will be most in alignment with your life experiences and unique skills, gifts, and MISSION so you can start business that will be effortlessly in flow, profitable, and make a positive impact in the world.

Available for $47 for a limited time

“On lesson 1 now and already anticipating that this is a great class to both find a business idea AND draft a successful business plan!” — Vanessa

Questions? E-mail [email protected] or message Adina on instagram at @adinaappelbaum