Marketing & Sales
Strategic Planning Intensive

For heart-centered entrepreneurs
ready to make more money & a bigger impact

Business Impact Consulting Session & Support
with Adina Appelbaum, Esq., M.P.P., AFC®
International Empowerment® LLC

You’re totally overwhelmed trying to put your website and instagram bio together 🤯

You can’t keep to a “content schedule” for your social media because you have no idea what to stay or where to start when creating content 🙄

You may be not even sure exactly (or don’t feel confident in) what you are selling, or you are selling something that feels vague and no one is buying it… 🤦🏽‍♀️

When you don’t have a Strategic Plan for marketing and sales in your business, it can feel a lot like trying to put together the pieces of a puzzle while having no idea what the picture is on the puzzle box. 🧩

In this Private Marketing & Sales Strategic Planning Intensive, I will help guide you to get crystal clarity on the overall marketing, messaging, and sales of your business.

Basically, the picture on the puzzle box — so that you can more effortlessly hit the ground running putting together the pieces of the puzzle, So you can go ahead and launch and grow your business and make the difference you’re meant to make in the world. 🎨

In IMPACT, we will streamline your marketing and sales, including by covering:

  • Purpose & “Why Me?” Clarity weaving together your personal and professional experiences and your numerology, human design, and astrology charts so you know confidently how to leverage your unique skills, gifts, mission, and purpose to build, communicate from, and sell effectively in your business

  • Marketing & Messaging Strategy so you have the strategic elements in place to be crystal clear on the symptoms, problems, desires, and emotions of your ideal client and certainty how exactly your specific offer directly provides them a tailored solution with tangible outcomes

  • Sales Strategy to guide you in where, with whom, and how to most effectively begin selling your offer(s) in strategic coordination with your marketing strategy

  • Guidance on Next Steps so that you know exactly what to focus on going forward and don’t have to waste time throwing pasta at the wall to see what sticks or taking shots in the dark, including:
    • What offer(s) to focus on selling now
    • What type of content to focus on next
    • Core content pillars
    • Key sales-converting messaging to weave in across your content
    • How to speak directly to your ideal clients exactly where they are at and help them see how their lives can be transformed through your offers

Comes with:

  1. Private live Marketing & Messaging Strategic Planning Intensive Consulting Mapping Session (1.5 hours)
  2. Full day of text/audio message coaching support for follow-up and support implementing next steps in your strategy 
  3. Written Marketing & Sales Strategic Plan to guide you going forward

Total investment: $555

“Adina allowed me to create a direction and vision for my company…I feel more confident in how to move forward. I am so grateful that she could help me gain momentum. The only reason I’m past ‘having no idea where to start’ is because of Adina!” –Julia

If you’re looking to launch a digital business I highly recommend you reach out to Adina at International Empowerment. She has empowered me to launch my own digital career coaching business. Adina will guide you step by step on finding your niche, marketing strategies and address any mindset challenges. She has helped me feel more at ease and confident about launching my business. Don’t hesitate to call her! You will not regret the results you will acquire.” — Gaby

Questions? E-mail [email protected] or message Adina on instagram at @adinaappelbaum